JBL Environmental Services has over 25 years’ experience conducting wildlife and vegetation baseline studies to assess wildlife and habitat values in BC. Wildlife baseline data are collected to describe a particular situation in a sample population. For example, data frequently include presence, distribution and relative abundance of one or more species at one point in time. Baseline data are usually collected at initiation of a proposed project in a defined study area. The results of a wildlife-baseline study can assist in pinpointing species or areas to focus particular attention on (e.g., species at risk, critical habitat, or sensitive ecosystems).
JBL’s biologists have conducted both broad habitat inventories and species-specific monitoring studies for various wildlife groups (see also our section on Species at Risk Assessments). This has included aerial and ground-based transect surveys (e.g., ungulates and rodents), live-trapping (e.g., small mammals and invertebrates), point-count surveys (e.g., migratory songbirds and water-associated birds), nest surveys (raptors and migratory birds), call-playback (e.g., owls, raptors and woodpeckers), wetland surveys (e.g., amphibians and reptiles), and habitat-suitability assessments (e.g., small mammals, reptiles and invertebrates). JBL’s biologists provide data analyses and species/habitat mapping, and produce concise, science-based, peer-reviewed, technical reports for our clients.
Selected Projects:
– JBL assessed a large wetland complex for beaver activity and developed management actions to provide long-term flood relief for neighbouring properties in the Township of Langley. JBL oversaw the installation of four flow levelers into beaver dams and provided seasonal post-construction monitoring of flow levelers, beaver activity, and water levels to determine the functionality of the installations (Atkins Réalis/DND, 2021 – 2024).
– Vegetation sampling and wildlife surveys for an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) development permit application near the Fraser River. For: Richtown Construction in Richmond, BC, 2019.
– Migratory-bird active nest surveys along BC Hydro distribution-line corridors in the City of Burnaby prior to pole replacements and associated vegetation clearing. For: Inlailawatash Limited Partnership, North Vancouver, BC, 2019.
– Vegetation sampling and wildlife surveys in an ESA, to BC RISC standards, in support of a development permit application along an urban trail. For: Pacific Grace MB Church in Richmond, BC, 2016.
– Migratory-bird active nest surveys on a City of Port Moody property prior to housing demolition. For: Hayes and Associates, West Vancouver, BC, 2016.
– Wildlife habitat assessments for nine species in support of habitat-suitability mapping / modelling, including: moose (Alces americanus), grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), western screech-owl (Megascops kennicotti), western toad (Anaxyrus boreas), and Gillette’s checkerspot (Euphydryas gillettii). For: SNC-Lavalin Inc. / Centermount Coal Ltd., Elk Valley, BC, 2016.
– Aerial and ground-based wildlife surveys in a 14,000 ha remote area between Terrace and Kitimat, in collaboration with local First Nations; conducted wetland surveys for amphibian egg-masses; aerial surveys for harlequin duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), waterfowl and raptor stick-nests; and point-count surveys for breeding migratory songbirds. For: SNC-Lavalin Inc. / Pacific Future Energy Corp., Terrace, BC, 2016.