JBL Environmental Services Ltd.

Saltery Bay Wetland Construction

Stream and Wetland Construction Project at Saltery Bay

Location: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia

Scope of Services:

As part of BC Hydro’s Saltery Bay substation project on Jenkinson Creek, JBL Environmental Services planned, designed and supervised the construction of two ephemeral ponds and a 150-m stream channel. Compensation was required by regulators to address the impacts of construction on the community watershed and provide wetland habitat for amphibian species at risk.
The project also involved developing a planting plan, as-built report and effectiveness monitoring of habitat compensation.


Restoration resulted in a functioning wetland used by six native amphibian species, including species at risk (red-legged frog and western toad).


    •  Design drawings of compensation
    •  As-built report
    •  Planting plan
    •  Compensation monitoring plan
    •  Monitoring reports (2 years)

Project Start/End: November 2009 – July 2013