JBL Environmental Services Ltd.

Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) Assessment

Riparian zones are defined as vegetated areas that border streams, lakes and wetlands and are important in providing fish habitat. The Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) was enacted under Section 12 of the Riparian Areas Protection Act (2016) by the Government of BC. The RAR has since been amended and renamed to Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) on November 1, 2019.

The assessment process involves conducting a site visit to identify the extent of existing and potential vegetation and determine setbacks required along the creek to protect the riparian habitat. The RAPR report summarizes the aquatic and riparian features of the property within the setback area. The process requires that a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) conduct the assessment and upload the RAPR report to the provincial BCeID website for review and approval by regulatory agencies. Once approved, local municipalities receive authorization from regulatory agencies to proceed with their own development permit approval process.

JBL Environmental Services Ltd. (JBL) has completed numerous Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) assessments for both residential and commercial developments throughout southwestern BC.

Selected Projects:
– RAR assessment on Slade Creek, Slade Creek Tributary, and the Coquitlam River, as part of the Gatehouse Replacement Project at Metro Vancouver’s Chlorination Facility. For: Metro Vancouver, Coquitlam, BC, 2016.

– RAR assessment on Mill Lake as part of the proposed development of a property at Plaxton Crescent. For: Property Owner, Abbotsford, BC, 2018.

– RAR assessment on three watercourses adjacent to a property on Palmberg Road as part of a proposed housing development. For: Doxa Construction, Richmond, BC, 2018.