Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory on Ruby Creek
Location: Northwestern British Columbia
Scope of Services:
JBL’s team was responsible for conducting a 1:20,000 reconnaissance level fish and fish habitat inventory of the Ruby Creek watershed as part of the BC Environmental Assessment Certificate application. JBL constructed and operated a fish spawning fence in Ruby Creek to determine Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) use of three channels for spawning. We conducted detailed fish habitat mapping, tissue sampling for metals, macro-invertebrate assessments, and sediment sampling. JBL’s aquatic biologist also developed a fish habitat compensation plan for Arctic grayling to provide a “No Net Loss” strategy for fish habitat to regulators.
Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) passed regulatory review, and EAC was granted in September 2007.
- EAC application document: aquatic baseline and impact assessment reports
- EAC application document: fish habitat compensation plan and detailed design drawings
Project Start/End: July 2004 – December 2008